1// src/app/components/jedi-form.tsx
2"use client";
4import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
5import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod";
6import { useToast } from "@/hooks/use-toast";
8import {
9 Form,
10 FormControl,
11 FormField,
12 FormItem,
13 FormLabel,
14 FormMessage,
15} from "@/components/ui/form";
16import {
17 Card,
18 CardHeader,
19 CardTitle,
20 CardDescription,
21 CardContent,
22} from "@/components/ui/card";
23import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
24import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
25import { Textarea } from "@/components/ui/textarea";
26import {
27 Select,
28 SelectContent,
29 SelectItem,
30 SelectTrigger,
31 SelectValue,
32} from "@/components/ui/select";
33import {
34 padawanSchema,
35 type PadawanFormData,
36} from "@/core/domain/validation/padawan-schema";
37import { handlePadawanRegistration } from "../actions/register-padawan";
39export function JediRegistrationForm() {
40 const { toast } = useToast();
41 const form = useForm<PadawanFormData>({
42 resolver: zodResolver(padawanSchema),
43 defaultValues: {
44 name: "",
45 age: 0,
46 midichlorianCount: 7000,
47 homeworld: "",
48 primarySkill: "combat",
49 background: "",
50 },
51 });
53 async function onSubmit(data: PadawanFormData) {
54 const formData = new FormData();
55 Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => {
56 formData.append(key, value.toString());
57 });
59 const result = await handlePadawanRegistration(formData);
61 toast({
62 title: result.success ? "Registration successful" : "Error",
63 description: result.message,
64 variant: result.success ? "default" : "destructive",
65 });
67 if (result.success) {
68 form.reset();
69 }
70 }
72 return (
73 <Card className="w-full max-w-md mx-auto">
74 <CardHeader>
75 <CardTitle>Jedi Academy</CardTitle>
76 <CardDescription>
77 Submit your application to join the Order
78 </CardDescription>
79 </CardHeader>
80 <CardContent>
81 <Form {...form}>
82 <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} className="space-y-6">
83 <FormField
84 control={form.control}
85 name="name"
86 render={({ field }) => (
87 <FormItem>
88 <FormLabel>Padawan Name</FormLabel>
89 <FormControl>
90 <Input placeholder="Luke Skywalker" {...field} />
91 </FormControl>
92 <FormMessage />
93 </FormItem>
94 )}
95 />
97 <FormField
98 control={form.control}
99 name="age"
100 render={({ field }) => (
101 <FormItem>
102 <FormLabel>Age</FormLabel>
103 <FormControl>
104 <Input
105 type="number"
106 min="4"
107 max="30"
108 placeholder="19"
109 {...field}
110 onChange={(e) => field.onChange(parseInt(e.target.value))}
111 />
112 </FormControl>
113 <FormMessage />
114 </FormItem>
115 )}
116 />
118 <FormField
119 control={form.control}
120 name="midichlorianCount"
121 render={({ field }) => (
122 <FormItem>
123 <FormLabel>Midichlorian Count</FormLabel>
124 <FormControl>
125 <Input
126 type="number"
127 min="7000"
128 max="20000"
129 step="100"
130 {...field}
131 onChange={(e) => field.onChange(parseInt(e.target.value))}
132 />
133 </FormControl>
134 <FormMessage />
135 </FormItem>
136 )}
137 />
139 <FormField
140 control={form.control}
141 name="homeworld"
142 render={({ field }) => (
143 <FormItem>
144 <FormLabel>Homeworld</FormLabel>
145 <FormControl>
146 <Input placeholder="Tatooine" {...field} />
147 </FormControl>
148 <FormMessage />
149 </FormItem>
150 )}
151 />
153 <FormField
154 control={form.control}
155 name="primarySkill"
156 render={({ field }) => (
157 <FormItem>
158 <FormLabel>Primary Skill</FormLabel>
159 <Select
160 onValueChange={field.onChange}
161 defaultValue={field.value}
162 >
163 <FormControl>
164 <SelectTrigger>
165 <SelectValue placeholder="Choose a skill" />
166 </SelectTrigger>
167 </FormControl>
168 <SelectContent>
169 <SelectItem value="combat">
170 Lightsaber Combat โ๏ธ
171 </SelectItem>
172 <SelectItem value="healing">
173 Force Healing ๐
174 </SelectItem>
175 <SelectItem value="meditation">
176 Deep Meditation ๐ง
177 </SelectItem>
178 <SelectItem value="telepathy">Telepathy ๐ง </SelectItem>
179 </SelectContent>
180 </Select>
181 <FormMessage />
182 </FormItem>
183 )}
184 />
186 <FormField
187 control={form.control}
188 name="background"
189 render={({ field }) => (
190 <FormItem>
191 <FormLabel>Your Story</FormLabel>
192 <FormControl>
193 <Textarea
194 placeholder="Tell us about your journey..."
195 className="resize-none"
196 rows={4}
197 {...field}
198 />
199 </FormControl>
200 <FormMessage />
201 </FormItem>
202 )}
203 />
205 <Button type="submit" className="w-full">
206 Submit my application ๐
207 </Button>
208 </form>
209 </Form>
210 </CardContent>
211 </Card>
212 );