Sébastien TIMONER
Expert in web development and team management, I specialize in creating and optimizing high-performance digital solutions. With extensive expertise in modern technologies like React.js, Node.js, TypeScript, Symfony, and Zephyr OS for IoT, I ensure the success of complex SaaS and IoT projects, from design to production, for companies across various sectors, at offroadLabs.
At offroadLabs, I offer custom development services that combine technical expertise with a collaborative approach. Whether creating an innovative SaaS solution, developing IoT systems with Zephyr OS, modernizing an existing application, or supporting the upskilling of a team, I am committed to delivering robust and high-performance solutions tailored to the specific needs of each project.
I am available for projects in the Aix-en-Provence area or fully remote.
Hello, passionate developer! Today, let's dive into React, the JavaScript library that's revolutionizing user interface development. In just a few minutes, you'll discover how to create modern and reactive web applications.
React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook (Meta) that allows you to build composable and reusable user interfaces. Its fundamental principle? The Virtual DOM and a declarative approach that makes your code more predictable and easier to debug.
In React, everything is a component. A component can be as simple as a button or as complex as an entire page. Here are different ways to create components:
State is crucial in React. It allows your components to maintain and update their internal data.
Always use the functional form of the setter (prevCount => prevCount + 1
when the new value depends on the previous one. This prevents state
synchronization issues.
The useEffect hook is perfect for: - Managing subscriptions (events, websockets) - Cleaning up resources (intervals, events) - Synchronizing with external systems Avoid using it for: - Synchronous calculations - State updates that can be done during rendering - API calls that should use a query management library
Code Organization
for purely presentational componentsError Handling
React is a powerful tool that allows you to:
With these solid foundations, you're ready to create robust and efficient React applications. Remember that practice is the key to mastery!
Don't forget to install the necessary dependencies and configure your development environment (Node.js, npm/yarn, and a bundler like Vite or Create React App).
Thanks for following this guide! To go further, don't hesitate to check out the official React documentation and practice with concrete projects.